Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Then Bittersweet It Is

What a lovely cold, brisk morning walk. The dogs anxiously pull me along as I eye new colors of berries on trees and vines that I have never seen before on my walks through Michiana and Grand Beach. We walk along, as I think about my day in the kitchen, and what I am going to make today. Thanksgiving is right around the corner and I will be cooking like crazy, preparing special orders for all my lovely, very special clients. I always feel like a bit of myself is at their table as I prepare their foods with as much love and attention as I do my own.
Little random thoughts creep forward from the back of my mind. What am I going to name the cabin? I have been working on it for 10 years now. All these beautiful names that I come up with when I am in England, just don't stick when I come home. I wonder what Eva & Sherri are doing for Thanksgiving? I need to call and ask them. Should I make cookies today? I haven't made those lovely iced cut-outs in a while. They sell like mad but they are very labor intensive. I sure miss Amanda. She was the best cookie designer ever. The other young ones that work for me never understand the importance of that piped outside line.
Then we turn off Old Grand Beach road, toward the Dunes Theatre that is shut down for the winter. We come upon the loveliest, intense swirls of vines completely dripping with bittersweet berries. I decide that this is too amazing, and must send some to my dear Aunt Louise. I made her cry last year when I sent them. It was purely unintentional. I remember as a little girl, her teaching me about the beautiful berries and how they pop open as they dry. I did not know the story of how she and her childhood friend Gussie, would venture deep into the woods in Massachusetts every fall and gather Bittersweet branches from their favorite hiding spot that no one else knew about.
Now the dogs reluctantly slow their hurried pace and allow me to twist off some beautiful branches to send to my dear aunt. Unfortunately not all I touch are dry enough to snap so I end up snipping off the bits to pack and ship. Small garden shears are a must and always with me on our walks. You never know what beautiful, wild blooms you will find on your journey. All of a sudden, it becomes perfectly clear to me. I will name the cabin "Bittersweet". That is perfect!
Yes, now my entire day is unfolding in focus. I will call Eva & Sherri and make cookies. And prepare some Bittersweet vines and goodies to ship to my aunt.

All that, and we got our morning exercise in too. Off to the kitchen I go....