Sunday, October 25, 2009

Dinner is perfect... when you get home from the emergency room

The rain kept us away from the campground for most of the day. We came home just in time to see the clouds part and make dinner.
Gayle started her amazing five spice chicken stew. It didn’t start out as a stew but wow was it wonderful! While she trimmed the chicken pieces and mixed her spices, I went to gather kindling. She looked up in surprise as I ran towards her chanting, “bar soap and sugar”, repeatedly. After cramming anti-histamines in my mouth, she pounded soap and mixed in sugar to make a paste and draw the 8 stingers out. Yes, as you guessed by now, I am allergic to bee stings. Gayle demanded we abandon dinner and go to the emergency room now, since the campground does not have an emergency EpiPen. I demand that we get the Dutch oven filled with her beautiful assortment of bone-in chicken pieces and vegetables going in the hot coals and then we can go. Yes, Gayle’s dish slow cooks to a tender and buttery conclusion. Ready when you get home from the emergency room. We were ravenous and heartily ate our fabulous meal with chunks of cornbread.